Encouraging Employee Communication

As manager you have the responsibility to establish and administer the disciplinary procedure and to effectively handle grievances and complaints. Your actions are the major factor in determining the human relations climate in your company. Communication provides the key to successfully meeting these responsibilities. Keep your employee informed satisfies an important need. Employees get information […]

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How to Provide Constructive Criticism

Usually the goal in constructive criticism is to critique an individual so they will benefit or improve. Constructive criticism will provide feedback that enhances job results, reduces employees stress, creates psychological security and helps develop the ideal organizational climate. Now, the question is how do we give constructive criticism? Always give criticism to your employee […]

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How to Build Effective Team Work

To create effective teamwork, these powerful actions must occur: Managers communicate the clear expectation that teamwork and collaboration are expected. Supervisors are open and receptive to ideas and input from others. Team members can help keep other employee motivated by encouraging each other to contribute ideas, resolving differences to make the situation a win/win situation, […]

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